The journal GENETIKA publishes original papers, short communications, review articles on topics in genetics and letters to the Editor. Submission of a manuscript to the Editor implies that it has not been previously published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form. Authors must to ensure the accurate, timely, fair and that all research material they publish confirms to internationally accept ethical guidelines. Submitted articles should be original contributions presenting original research. Review articles and papers describing new techniques and methods in genetics will be considered as well. Submitted articles must be written in English. While there is no restriction to the number of words and figures, the GENETIKA encourage a concise writing style.
When preparing manuscript for submission author/s are obliged to follow carefully these guidelines. A submission that does not meet the basic format and manuscript organization requirements of journal GENETIKA will not be taken into consideration.
Articles are subjected to a three-tier pass-process: articles that meet the basic format and manuscript organization requirements will be subjected to plagiarism screening to identify misused text. Only articles that pass these two steps will be forwarded for peer review to two independent referees from the area of research of the submitted manuscript. If one referees opinion is negative manuscript will be forwarded to the third referee.
Format requirement
Manuscripts must be written in English, and submitted as a MS Word file, double-spaced in Unicode Times New Roman, normal font spacing, font size 12 pts, normal margin page layout with justified alignment. The style should be clear and concise.
Section headings are bold all caps font, subheadings are bold sentence case font. In the body of the text there are no bold fonts, numbered paragraphs/sections, bullet points, tables, graphs, or figures. The first line of a new paragraph should be indented (left-indent, 1 cm). Do not use footnotes. Standard abbreviations can be used without explanation. For specialized abbreviations, the name should be given first in full, with the abbreviation in parentheses. Latin names of species and genera should be italicized.
The original papers should be arranged in sections as follows: Cover Page, Statement, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgment, Author´s contribution, References, Figure and Tables.
The Cover page should contain the title, name and affiliation of the author/authors (Each author must list an associated department, university, organizational affiliation, address, city and country). For author, designated as corresponding author need to be given e-mail address and phone. The Short Title must not exceed 45 characters (with spaces) and should state the theme of the paper. Statement: Results presented in this paper are original, not published before and paper is not sent to the publication in another Journal.
The Abstract no longer than 400 words, includes the objectives of the study, experimental approach, major results, and conclusion. Five Keywords should be provided after the abstract. The Introduction should provide a clear, concise and informative overview of selected recent literature relevant to the topic of the manuscript, a description of the problem addressed in the manuscript and the aim of the work. The Materials and Methods should be divided into appropriate subsections. This section should provide enough detail to allow full replication of experiments. While detailed description of novel protocols is encouraged, well-established methods can be cited as articles where the protocols are described in detail. The International System (SI) of Units and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) rules for naming organic and inorganic compounds should be adhered to. Decimal points are periods/full stops, never a comma. Numbers between −1 and +1 require a leading zero (0.01, not .01). The percent symbol % is written without a space (10% not 10 %). The liter should be written using an uppercase "L. Seconds are written as “s”, hours are written as “h”.
The Results and Disscussion can be given as one section. This section can be divided into subsections, each with a concise subheading, as appropriate. The Results should present clearly and concisely the researchers’ findings and Discussion should provide an interpretation of the presented results. Gene, mathematical symbols and scientific names should be italic. The Conclusions section is not obligatory. It should provide a general, brief and appropriate summary of the presented findings. Acknowledgments: Funding sources and persons who contributed to the work but do not fit authorship criteria should be included in the acknowledgments. Authors’ contributions: This should include a statement of the different responsibilities that specifies the contribution of every author.
The References should be given separately and arranged alphabetically, as follows: author(s) name’s initials and full last name(s), all capitalized, the year in brackets, the title of the paper, the title of the journal (for books: the name(s) of editor(s) and the address of the publisher); volume in italics, number in brackets and pages (first - last). The title of journal should be abbreviated according to the international system of abbreviations. If there are two or more papers of the same author(s), they should be listed by chronological order. If the same author(s) appears several times in the same year, letters should be added. If one author appears individually and as the first author with several co-authors, his individual papers should be listed first. Unpublished papers could be listed only if they are already in press. The references cited in the text should be capitalized and should include the author(s) name(s) and the year of publication in brackets. When more than two authors are cited, the first author’s name should appear followed by: et al.
Tables and Figures (jpg), should be given separately and referred to in the text by Arabic numerals according to their order of citation. Their approximate position should be indicated in the text. Tables should be typed double-spaced. If more data are presented then could be printed on B5 paper form suggestion is to prepare separate tables label as a, and b. The title should be typed above the table, concise and clear. The footnotes should be explicit and typed below the table. Figures and photos should be of good quality, legible and clear even after size reduction. They should be grouped wherever possible. The caption and the legend must be given on a separate sheet. Photos in color will only be published at the author’s expense. The appropriate request should be submitted together with the manuscript.
The Summary, written in Serbian, contains the following: the Title, Author’s name(s) and affiliation and text of up to 250 words.
Short communications do not have to be divided into sections, but Abstract and Summary in Serbian should be included. New techniques and methods may be submitted as short communications. Review articles should give thorough studies on particular topics in genetics. They do not have to include experimental details. Letters to the Editor (up to 2 pages) usually relate to the comments on published papers or to the opinions and discussions on the most recent results within different fields of genetics. Short critical reviews and suggestions are also accepted. They all do not include Abstract and Summary in Serbian.
When submitting manuscript, each author has to complete the Copyright Transfer Agreement.
Articles published in the Genetika will be Open-Access articles distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Electronic copy of the manuscript should be sent to the Editorial board by e-mail:
The address of Editorial Board of Genetika
Serbian Genetics Society, S.Bajica 1,11185 Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia